Chemical Exposure

“This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer.”

Chemical Exposure

Some chemicals contribute to the growth of cancer, they are called carcinogens. They are part of our daily lives, present in the air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink. Common carcinogens are arsenic, benzene, asbestos, vinyl chloride, and beryllium.

Our bodies defenses either process or expel these chemicals when they enter our system. Exposure doesn’t mean we’ll develop cancer, however it does increase our risk. Carcinogens, coupled with pro carcinogens and co carcinogens make up the three foremost types of cancer inducing chemicals. Pro carcinogens don’t become harmful until they are metabolized by our bodies. Co carcinogens aren’t harmful on their own yet latch onto pre-existing substances to cause cancer.

Carcinogens damage the bodies DNA after prolonged exposure, rendering the body defenseless in repairing cells to protect itself.

Common daily carcinogens include:

  • Dish soap residue left on silverware and dishware
  • Water bottles leaching chemicals into the water as the temperature of the bottle goes up and down from manufacturing to distribution
  • Processed foods that may contain toxic residues from the packaging process
  • Chemical residue in our clothes after laundry being absorbed into the skin
  • Residue from paint
  • Residue of carpet or cloth manufacturing
  • Air conditioning emitting harmful chemicals in the air
  • Refrigerator leaking coolants in the air
  • Skin care products like deodorants, shampoos, and conditioners containing toxic chemicals like parabens
  • Toxins in makeup, tampons, pads, and other products for women



Visit “A Better Cancer Detox” for information on reversing cancer naturally

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