"This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer."

Emotional Trauma

Prolonged, untreated emotional trauma can cause your body to develop cancer. Unaddressed emotional trauma puts the body in a constant state of stress. Stress can do a lot of negative things to the body, like weakening the immune system ultimately making it more vulnerable to disease.

The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is responsible for the chemical changes in the body. One example of this is the infamous “fight or flight” response. If we suffer from chronic stress, our SNS is constantly working overtime. At which state, the genetic code of the body’s adrenaline and non-adrenaline stimulating mechanisms gets altered. Such changes lead to:

  • Inhibition of immune system responses
  • Increased inflammation
  • Inhibited cancer cell death
  • Reduced cytotoxic functions of natural killer cells
  • Slower DNA repair
  • Stimulation of cancer cells angiogenesis
  • Faster production of new cancer stem cells

Emotional trauma leading to heightened stress in your body can cause cancer in six stages. Chronic stress can virtually transform into cancer within a period of 18 to 24 months. Here is how your stress can become cancer if left untreated:

  1. Emotional trauma affects your sleep and relaxation, as well as the production of melatonin in your body. Melatonin controls your sleep cycle and inhibits cancer cell growth. It also regulates the healthy function of the immune system. Low melatonin levels means a weaker immune system.
  2. Once our immune system is suppressed by stress, the concentration of the stress hormone called cortisol gets elevated. Stress exhausts a person and at that point, our adrenal and thyroid glands become fatigued. At this stage, we have overexerted our bodies and our natural mineral levels get depleted.
  3. Higher cortisol and lower adrenaline levels in our bodies cause a rise in glucose within the cells. Glucose is a form of sugar that provides our bodies with energy. An increase in glucose means your cells have little room for oxygenation. High levels of glucose turn into harmful yeasts that negatively impact our immune system function. Low oxygen levels and too much yeast is a breeding ground for cancer.
  4. Microbes that are inside our body, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungus, start to feed on the excess yeast. Because of lack of oxygen, normal cells feed on the yeast which encourages them to mutate into cancer cells. The body then becomes highly acidic because of the waste products created by these pathogenic microbes.
  5. At this stage, fungi and cancer cells start working together. Cancer cells use fungi to further ferment glucose for energy and to ensure their natural growth. On the other hand, fungi uses cancer cells like a parasite uses their host in order to survive.
  6. The last stage is where cancer cells easily grow and spread in different parts of the body. Tumor cells make receptors for the stress hormones to aid in metastasis. Which pertains to the process of breaking down the structure of the tumor in the cell walls, to make it easier for them to flow and to grow new tumor cells in the blood vessels.

Emotional trauma is definitely an issue that should never be ignored. There are many reasons why you may experience this condition from everyday stress to more traumatic events such as the loss of a spouse, fear of death, loss of territory, or failure to accept your past or present situation. Regardless of the reason, stress is a factor that may disrupt the general health of our body.