"This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer."


Pathogens are small organisms that can cause disease in your body. There are different kinds of pathogens, each of them containing their own DNA strands that allow them to colonize their hosts, take away their nutrients, and suppress the immune systems. There are five major types of pathogens that may penetrate the body and these are:

  • Parasites
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Microbes
  • Fungi

Pathogens can affect your body in many ways. While some may only cause minor complications like the common cold, others can directly cause the cancer process to begin in your body. They also work in many different ways, which is why it’s important to fully understand how they function and how they can possibly lead to complicated diseases like cancer.


Parasites are organisms that rely on other organisms to live. They benefit from their position on their host, but do not provide benefits for them in return. In these cases they deprive them of their nutrients.  Certain parasites that make you their host can cause cancer to spread in your body, particularly fasciolopsis buski.

Fasciolopsis buski is a parasite found across East and Southeast Asia. It is relatively harmlessly to your body when it is living in the small intestines, as it usually does.  Although it is a parasite, it generally does little damage, except for the occasional cases of irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, or even in chronic diseases like Crohn’s Disease. Sometimes, they are expelled out of your body through natural flows of bowel movement. However, when this parasite invades other parts of your body like the kidneys, bowels, and uterus, they become increasingly difficult to contain and eventually cause cancer.

There are many other types of parasites that can effect your immune system, your PH balance, create different deficiencies and cause many other problems which can lead directly or indirectly to cancer. Some of the viruses, bacteria, microbes and fungi are in fact parasitic in nature even though they are not “worm like”  as some more deadly parasites are.


Viruses don’t just cause cold or flu in your body; they can also be linked to the development of certain types of cancer. One of the most common examples is the human papilloma virus or HPV, which is known to contribute to cervical, vulva, vagina, anus, or penis cancers. Viruses cause an infection in your body and when they do, they spread their DNA to affect the genetic makeup of your healthy cells. This process has the potential to turn them into cancer cells. In the case of HPV infection, the DNA of the virus combines itself with the DNA of your host cell, thus disrupting normal functions. This is one example of how a virus behaving like a parasite can live in your body.

On the other hand, there are viruses that affect the body’s immune system such as the Hepatitis C virus. Once your body’s immune system is weaker, it becomes easier for the cancer cells to multiply and spread to other parts of your body.


Bacteria are linked to cancer through two different mechanisms: through the beginning stages of long-term or chronic inflammation and through the production of carcinogenic bacterial metabolites. Bacterial metabolites are the chemicals produced when bacteria in your colon called Tregs breaks down the fiber in your food. In healthy cases they help promote your immune system function and can even help reverse inflammatory bowel disease in significant cases.

The most specific example of this inflammatory mechanism connected to carcinogenesis is Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori are a type of bacteria that causes peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers can cause a dull throbbing or burning pain in your stomach, lasting anywhere from a few hours to weeks.  This may seem mild, yet prolonged exposure to helicobacter pylori can induce other processes that can eventually lead to stomach cancer. These bacteria inflame and damage the inner layers of the lower stomach.

On the other hand, mutagenic bacterial metabolites are present in most cases of colon cancer. Bile salt metabolites are salts that are made in the liver from cholesterol deposits. Bile salt in healthy bodily functions provide a ‘feed back’ to your colonic epithelial cells, aiding in cholesterol absorption. However, when its overproduced, it increases the spread of colonic epithelial cells in your body. Exogenous compounds such as rutin may be metabolized into a mutated form by the bacteria residing in the colon. Furthermore, some of such bacteria produce fecapentaenes, or pathogens found in human stool, which are potent mutagens.


Certain studies on microbes show that when these tiny, microscopic organisms find themselves inside of your cells, they try to change their shapes and sizes. Depending on their pH level, microbes have ability to partially block the production of adenosine triphosphate or ATP energy that is made inside the mitochondria, the power house of the cell. ATP helps transport energy within the cells of your body.

This contributes to why cancer cells have lower energy to function healthily than non-cancerous cells. Microbes have the ability to also cause DNA damage to the cell as they penetrate the nucleus through a process called microbial pathogenesis. In this case, microbes behave like parasites and suck nutrients from the cell. Microbes have their own DNAs that mix and modify the DNA of the healthy cell.


Systemic fungal infections, like candida albicans, can cause cancer. Candida naturally lives in parts of your body like the stomach, vagina, mouth, skin, throat where it is relatively harmless. When there is an overgrowth, candida yeast infections play havoc on the immune system. Fungi are the group of organisms that include the commonly known mushroom, yeasts, molds, mildews, and even rusts. They live and reproduce freely in soil, air, and water. Fungi break down matter through a process that releases chemicals such as phosphorous, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. In our bodies, fungi excrete toxins that are able to break down and weaken our cells.

One of the major waste products of fungi is acetaldehyde, a naturally occurring chemical in your body. Acetaldehyde exists in ripe fruits, warmed milk, cheese, alcohols, and cigarette smoke.  Eating or breathing in an excess of these sources can contribute to ethanol build up in your cells. Ethanol causes excessive fatigue and decreased strength and stamina. It also destroys cell energy enzymes, inhibits iron absorption, and encourages the release of free radicals that can cause DNA damage.

These are just some of the few different types of pathogens that put you at risk of developing cancer. While their presence doesn’t immediately lead to cancer, prolonged exposure of all of them play a major role in its development. They negatively affect your body, more particularly attacking the health of your cells and compromising your immune system.