"This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer."


Juicing your veggies is a way to predigest produce allowing for better absorption from your body. The separation of fiber from the juice mimics the first stages of digestion, by separating and removing the fiber you’re able to consume more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants from the veggies without getting full from the fiber. This enables you to benefit fully from these higher levels of nutrients in a way you never would be able to when eating the vegetable whole.

The consumption of these concentrated vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants benefits your body greatly. Juicing is vital in any cancer protocol as it addresses multiple issues that may be harming you. This helps for balancing a number of deficiencies, along with triggering the cellular detox process.

High electrolyte water, carotenoids, enzymes, and antioxidants help cleanse the liver and kidneys, which is crucial for cancer recovery. Juicing provides many nutrients that enhance immune function, neutralize cancer-causing free radicals in the body, and creates an alkaline environment this is the antidote to the acidosis in your body that causes cancer cells to flourish.

When juicing, either as a means to prevent cancer or reverse cancer, it’s important to choose your produce wisely. You should opt for organic non-starchy fruits and vegetables that are nutrient-dense, such as dark, leafy vegetables (kale and spinach, for example) mixed in moderation with other vegetables like carrots and beets, make up a strong nutrient dense juice. You should sparingly mix fruits into vegetable juice due to the higher level of sugar found in fruits. In most cases, lemon or apple are the only exceptions to this guideline. Sources like the Gerson Institute can provide better guidelines for juicing.

Not all juice is equal; due to the complexities of cancer, there is no one size fits all juicing solution. For some with cancer, consuming concentrated juices can be dangerous, as it may cause severe detox symptoms. Always consult with a medical professional qualified to advise you before incorporating juices into your diet especially if you’ve received a cancer diagnosis.